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2019 總統府音樂會
2019 Presidential Office Concert

「總統府音樂會」源自 1991 年,今年恰逢總統府建築落成 100 年,總統府音樂會於凱達格蘭大道前,由「地之美」、「人之美」、「心之美」三段主題,串連兩個小時的精彩節目,將在這座島嶼上自由傳唱的樂聲與多元豐富的表演藝術,用一首又一首的經典曲目,編織出屬於這片土地的聲音。跨越傳統與現代,融合古典與流行,讓民眾能夠近距離體驗一場視覺與聽覺的饗宴。在總統府建築物世紀風華見證下,為臺灣再次寫下多元繽紛的時代之歌,綻出既溫暖又絢爛的共同記憶。
Magnificence of land, diversity of art and culture and the abundance of love of people are the three main themes covered by the 2019 Presidential Office Concert, an annual celebration since 1991, featuring two full hours of musical repertoire filled with variety of genre, in celebrating the centennial of Presidential Office Building's construction. As Ketagalan Boulevard transforms into a dazzling concert hall, join this special evening of timeless hits and a musical journey through clash of Taiwanese local sounds and cross-generation performing arts.
